You will paddle to Lake Griffin's Dead River Marsh, watch the sun set and the moon rise, and listen to the sounds of the night.
Please arrive at the Park at 5:30 PM. When you arrive, there is a $5.00 Park entrance fee per car.
Guides: Linda, Dave, Karen, John
If you have any questions about the tour, or cannot make the tour, send an email to ( If you call the park about the tour they will ask you to go to the FLGSP website and send an email.
The Friends of Lake Griffin State Park is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to conserve, protect, restore and enhance the natural, historical, cultural and recreational resources of Lake Griffin State Park for present and future generations.
Fruitland Park, FL 34731-4475
Contact the Friends:
Contact the Park: 352-360-6760